Security-Widefield Business Round Up

Best Activities In Security-Widefield, Colorado 80925

Security-Widefield is a growing suburb of Colorado Springs. The area is bordered by Bradley Road, Fontaine Blvd, Highway 87, and Grinnell Blvd. It is close to Denver, Colorado Springs, and Fort Carson, and offers many amenities within easy driving distance. The population of the Security-Widefield area was 32,882 as of 2010. This area is also home to the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport. The area's climate is moderate, with a climate that is mild and comfortable year-round. Winters are cool, and the warmest months are June and August. The chillyest month is December. Security-Widefield's average high and low temperatures vary from month to month. Although temperatures can fluctuate significantly, temperatures are generally comfortable and pleasant year-round.Security-Widefield's population has increased by 17.1% in the last five years.

Most homes are one to two thousand square feet. These homes were built between the 1950s and 1960s. The town is located close to I-25, and there is a wide variety of outdoor activities to enjoy. Whether you prefer skiing, hiking, biking, or just lounging on the beach, the Security-Widefield area has everything you need for a great vacation. The city is a census-designated place, and it's part of the Colorado Springs metropolitan statistical area. Its population is estimated to be around 33,000 residents, living in nearly 12,000 households. According to a 2014 study by NerdWallet, the city ranks second among fastest growing cities in Colorado. Its population growth was the second highest in the state, compared to other Colorado cities, and its income growth was the fastest.

Security-Widefield is a mid-sized city with a population of 77% White, 8% Black, and 3% Asian. The average resident is 33 years old, with the majority of residents being married. The median household income is $28,560. And 57% of the residents have children under the age of 18.Snow is a significant part of life in Security-Widefield, with 6.1 months of snow. The snowiest month is March, with an average of 1.9 inches of snow. The shortest snowfall period is around July 22, with an average of 0.9 inches. The average snowfall accumulated over the 31-day sliding period is calculated based on the 25th to 75th percentile bands.

If you enjoy being outdoors, there are several hiking and biking trails in the area. The Crews Gultch Trail is an easy 2.5-mile hike that connects Blue Stem Open Space with the Fountain Creek Regional Trail. The trail is accessed by crossing Fontaine Blvd. A park and recreation center are nearby, and the widefield Public Library offers a playground, ball fields, and a skatepark. The area also has raised plots available for gardening, and beehives can be found there. A picnic area is also available for visitors.

Safe Place To Live In Security-Widefield, Colorado 80925

Security-Widefield is a census-designated place located in El Paso County, Colorado. It is a part of the Colorado Springs, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The area has a population of approximately 14,690. Security-Widefield is a census town, a census-designated place, and unincorporated communities. Security-Widefield is a growing suburb of Colorado Springs, Colorado. It is located just south of Downtown and contains several communities. It is made up of two communities, Security and Widefield. As of 2010, the population was 32,882. It is a safe place to live, with a low crime rate. It is also close to Colorado Springs, with easy access to the city's major thoroughfares.

Snowfall in Security-Widefield is most common during the winter season. The area receives an average of 6.1 inches of snow per year. The snowiest month is March, when average snowfall is 1.9 inches. During the summer months, the area receives little snow, with the lowest snowfall around July 22.While the climate in Security-Widefield is relatively warm throughout the year, it does experience windy periods. The most windy months are April and August, with an average hourly wind speed of 9.9 miles per hour. On the bright side, the average temperature stays above 70degF during the winter months.

There are many ways to enjoy the outdoors. The Crews Gultch Trail is a 2.5 mile trail that is part of a larger trail project connecting Blue Stem Open Space to Fountain Creek Regional Trail. The trail crosses Fontaine Blvd. The Widefield Park and Recreation Center is close to the public library and includes an indoor pool, ball fields, playground, and skate park. Talbott Park features a garden area with raised plots. The plots can be reserved for as little as $25. The park also has beehives and picnic areas.

The community of Security/Widefield is located in the El Paso County area. It is part of Widefield School District 3. The district has two high schools, Security High School and Mesa Ridge High School. There are also several elementary schools in the area. For those looking to educate their children, Widefield School District 3 is a great option.

The average temperature in Security-Widefield is 91oF. This average temperature is forecast to increase 171.4% over the next 30 years. A sunny day is considered as the ideal temperature. The forecast for Security-Widefield is based on the statistical analysis of hourly weather reports. During the summer, the temperature is around 80oF.The growing season in Security-Widefield typically lasts 5.2 months, or 161 days. It rarely begins before April 11 and ends after May 18. The shortest growing season, however, is October 27. Growing degrees days (GHDs) are a measurement of accumulated heat during the year. GDHs are defined as the percentage of warm days above the base temperature. Moreover, excess heat is discarded.

Fastest Growing City Of Security-Widefield, Colorado 80925

The Census-designated place (CDP) of Security-Widefield, CO is made up of unincorporated communities that are part of the Colorado Springs, CO metropolitan statistical area. It is located in El Paso County, CO. It is governed by the county government. A population of about 4,000 people lives in the area. Security-Widefield is one of the fastest-growing cities in the state. The population is estimated to reach 39,791 by 2020. That would make it the 23rd largest city in Colorado, and the 1126th largest in the U.S. According to the most recent census, the population increased by 2.97%. In a 2014 survey of Colorado's fastest-growing cities, NerdWallet ranked Security-Widefield as the second fastest-growing community, in terms of population growth, employment, and income growth.

If you're looking to live in a community with a great mix of suburban and city amenities, Security-Widefield may be the place for you. The area is south of Downtown Colorado Springs, bordered by Fontaine Blvd, Highway 87, and Grinnell Blvd. The area is home to Windmill Mesa Park and Bluestem Prairie Open Space. The park contains a 2.1-mile trail that provides beautiful views of the Big Johnson Reservoir. The livability score of Security-Widefield is based on a number of factors, including crime rate, cost of living, weather, employment, and housing. It compares the city to the average Colorado city and to the national average in order to determine how livable it is. With a high livability score, Security-Widefield is a great place to live.

Security-Widefield is a mid-sized city in central Colorado, located at the base of the Front Range. It is approximately 65 miles south of Denver. The climate is temperate in June, August, and September, while winters are cold. The best time to visit the area is from mid-June to early September, when the temperatures are near 77oF on an average day. The weather in Security-Widefield is mild and pleasant. The winter season is cold and rainy. Security-Widefield receives 4.1 inches of snow annually. The rainy season lasts 4.1 months, with July having the most precipitation.

A winter with a snowy climate is ideal for skiing and snowboarding. Residents of Security-Widefield can attend an information session online on June 28. Experts will answer any questions you may have. There will also be public meetings on June 29 and 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Buying a home is a big investment. It is typically the most expensive purchase you'll make and the biggest asset you'll own. In addition to the value, rent is the largest cost for renters. Buying a house in Security-Widefield is a wise investment because it increases in value.

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Integrity Home Buyers Colorado
6282 Pilgrimage Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80925

For any information about the Cash House Buyers Security-Widefield, then contact or visit the website of Integrity Home Buyers Colorado.

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If you're looking for some business advice in the Widefield area, you've come to the right place. The Security-Widefield Business Round Up is an informative event that brings local businesses together to exchange ideas and connect with other area businesses. It's held monthly and features local business owners, as well as other local organizations.

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